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Friday, March 28, 2008

Our appt today - update

We had another ultrasound today to have something to compare our levels to from Wednesday. We measured a 10 on Wednesday, and today we measured an 11. While that's an improvement, it wasn't exceptional news. Dr. White feels confident enough to let me stay as-is and not put me on bedrest, but he has requested weekly ultrasound appointments to keep an eye on the levels of amniotic fluid.

I got to clarify a little bit about why this is important and why low amniotic fluid is risky. He said in my case, since I don't fall into any of the typical categories of symptoms of having this, that it could be 1 of 2 things. Either this is just how Harper is carrying - that what's considered "low" for other babies, is just normal for her. OR, that it's a result of my hypertension. He was clear to say that though I have learned to self-monitor my hypertension and have kept it at a good level at all my appointments, that I still have it. And hypertension can restrict the blood vessels that feed and nourish the placenta, making it harder for Harper to get what she needs as quick as she needs it. He compared it to a really slow gas pump - eventually you'll get the gas you need, but you'll wait a while for it to fill up your tank. And with growing babies inside mommy's tummy, this is not a good thing.

SOOOO... he's recommended lots of rest as often as I can get it. I think I can handle that. :) Well.. MAYBE I can handle that. I have a hard time sitting down sometimes. But I'm really going to try to be better about it. He reminded me that any wasted energy is energy the placenta could be using to help feed and grow Harper. So that's all the reason I need. And for now, we'll just monitor it and see how things go!!

I have been in a bit of a bigger rush to get things ready for work, though. Now faced with the possibility that I MIGHT have her early, I'm definitely getting things ready for me not to be there!! Lots of instructions to write, lots of training here and there... But I'm very excited!

Shower is tomorrow, so I'll be posting pics soon.

'til next time..


Anonymous said...

Yay! Have a fabulous time at your shower darlin...savor each and every moment. Btw, make sure Jon calls or texts me when things start happening so I can share with the Vegas crew. If he's busy tending to you, assign it to someone else (delegating can be fun). But make sure I know. :) Soon soon soon.

heather said...

I wish someone would have explained it to me this well when I was pregnant! I had hypertension and had to be on meds. He kept measuring small and came out only 5lbs 15oz which is weird since me and his dad were both over 9 lbs. The doctors never told me he could be small from the hypertension. They were also measuring my amniotic fluid which never became a problem. However, when I thought I was going into normal labor, it was because the placenta was detatching (very bad). Now that I look back I know a lot of it had to do with my job being too stressful and me feeling like things wouldn't go on without me. So, Miss Holly, SLOW DOWN, and if you have contractions and bleeding go the the hospital ASAP. Not trying to scare you, just sharing my advice.