
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Week 33

Week 33 is an interesting shift into another side of pregnancy. One that I don't anticipate there being a turnaround point. 7 weeks left and I'm realizing that this is probably the long haul until she gets here. Harper is now EVERYWHERE all the time. And while I still absolutely LOVE feeling her move, her movement now forces me to readjust every time.

Just last night Jon asked me "why is it still weird everytime you feel her move?" I don't really know the right answer, except that she's constantly getting bigger, so the movementes feel different all the time. I still feel like there's an alien in there, but the alien is getting bigger and impacting me more and more. I guess it's kind of getting me ready for when she's here, huh? My actions are starting to be influenced by what she's doing, and soon EVERYTHING I do will revolve around her.


Next Saturday is the baby shower and I'm really looking forward to it. Jane's put in a lot of work to do it, and I'm so grateful for all that she's done to make it happen. I still don't know that many people here, but there will be a lot of the Hanes side of the family there, a few friends, and some people I've never met but have known Jon all of his life and are excited to share in the celebration of Harper. So excited!

1 comment:

Dre said...

Wish I could be there to celebrate with you! Enjoy your shower!