
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hi Dodee

Harper has really increased her vocab since starting school -- it's amazing, actually. And not only in volume but in clarity. Hewwo or Hiiii has now become "hello". Bah Bah is now "Bye Bye". I can't remember the last time she signed milk, but now instead says "mok" or "mo mo". Surprisingly she also has started saying Mommy and Daddy instead of Mama and Dada.

There are, however several things she still says that we cannot understand. One of them I caught on this video twice. Every time she wants to give us something to hold she says "hi dodee". She's done this for months and we have no idea what she's actually trying to say, but we obviously know what it means.

Here's some "Harper Speak" for you. You'll also catch the clear "hello" and "Sarge" too as she pretends to talk on the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holly it souds like she is saying "hold these" or "hold please". Such a cute age! She's adorable.
