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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Girl Bed

Friday night I set up Harper's big girl bed for her to sleep in for the first time. Since the baby will be using all of her furniture, we need to start transitioning her to her new stuff. We have a new (to her) set of furniture to put in her room, but more about that soon. She'll actually be staying in her current room and the baby will have the guest room.

For now, we're starting with a twin mattress on the floor, and Harper was so excited about it. I really didn't build it up too much, but she kept saying "nite nite!" and climbing all over the mattress as I was trying to put the sheets on. In fact, she was so excited about going to sleep that she was mad I made her take a bath first.

I got her all set up with her friends and blankies, we said our prayers, and kissed goodnight. And she went right to sleep! It definitely helped that she was exhausted at the end of 3 days of daycare, at which she still isn't napping very well.

So the start went great.

It's been 4 days so far, and she's done really well. She has mostly stayed in bed in the mornings and cried or talked until we've gotten her, which is what she usually did in her crib. Nap time is a little bit different, and if she is not quite tired yet, she might get up and play. But thank goodness for the video monitor! We go in and put her back in bed, and she usually stays after that.

We're hoping to have the rest of her furniture moved in by this weekend.

One more milestone checked off the list!


Stephanie said...

so cute!!!!

I think I may transition Dylan when he turns 2, no rush to get him out of his crib yet...no reason :)

The Hanes Fam said...

We definitely wouldn't have moved her already if we didn't have to. But she's really surprised me with how well she's done!

But yeah - keep him there as long as you can. :)