
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 3, 2011

NICU Day 13

We walked in on Day 13 and Nurse Alaine had Jasper all ready to go. The doctor had released him and Alayne had his paperwork all filled out ready for us to sign. It was such a fantastic way to walk in! His circumcision had been done early that morning and had gone really well. (side note: I tried to get them to complete his circumcision while he was totally sedated and on the vent since I felt it was an ideal situation while he was totally still and on pain meds, however they only perform them on completely healthy babies so it wasn't an option). To say we were excited is a total understatement. We packed up all his things, took some pictures and hightailed it out of there. We were so glad to get a picture with Nurse Alaine since she was our favorite nurse with both kids and was such an encouragement for us. We love Alaine! As we left, I bid a huge farewell to the NICU and declared I would never be back there again (at least not for one of our babies). Though I really loved the staff and will forever owe them so much, it was a fantastic feeling walking out of there for the last time. We couldn't wait to get to Nana and Papa's house to FINALLY introduce Jasper to Harper. It was the cutest moment EVER, as I set Jasper on the couch in his carseat and Harper ran in from the other room and in her sweet, small voice said "Hiiiiiiiiii! Hi Dapper! Hiiiiiiii!" She was so good about not touching him and she was nothing but excited to finally see him in person after only seeing photos of him for almost 2 weeks. We got an almost identical picture when we brought Harper home from the hospital with Jon holding the carseat at the garage door. What a fabulous feeling to finally have him to ourselves at home!!

Facebook post - 3pm - We are so blessed -- Jasper is HOME!! His nurse had him all set to go, we just had to feed him and sign some papers. Great staff at Baylor Grapevine NICU, but so happy to not have to see them anymore!

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