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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bluebonnets in Texas

A few weeks ago, we decided to set out to find a good spot to take some pictures of the kids in the blubonnets. We headed west and had a secondary reason to go. It had been almost exactly 3 years since we had visited Nanny's gravesite. The weather was beautiful and Jon had the entire Saturday off due to our date that night. So we ventured out to Dublin! It was great to be there again and talk to Harper about Nanny.

The trip turned out to be much longer and much more exhausting than we had anticipated. The kids did not nap at all on the way out there and the minute we got back in the car to head back, Jasper conked out, which was right before we were stopping to eat. He woke up a short time later while we were eating (of course.. too noisy), and neither one slept the whole way back again. We had seen a great hill of bluebonnets on the way out there, so since the kids were awake, we decided why not - give it a shot! They were both pretty cranky, so we didn't try to pose them too much and instead I just snapped away and hoped for the best. We did okay, but under the circumstances, I was really happy.

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