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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December to Remember

It seems as though Harper is growing by leaps and bounds these days. There's been so many funny and silly things going on lately, that I wanted to recognize them. She's growing up so quickly, I can't believe it!

The other night we went to a Servant Appreciation dinner at church to thank us, all the volunteers. Here's us before we left.

At the dinner she saw one of her favorite volunteers she hangs out with during first service in the toddler class. Evin picked her up to give her a hug, which was a relief because I was juggling bags, purses and other items and was trying to get organized. As I sorted myself out, Harper gave a look like "it's not Sunday morning, why is she holding me?" I hadn't allowed more than 18 inches in between us, but she stuck that bottom lip out and did a slow motion full out cry. Mind you, this Sunday morning she will run to go to Evin. Apparently that affection is only allowed once a week in Harper's mind.

Daddy took these next few pictures. Here she is today. She got her jacket down herself and put it on, so Daddy was kind enough to zip it up for her. She gave him a big laugh when she put the hood up.

Here she is one morning. I think she had help putting her hands into her pockets, but she was kind enough to pose so Daddy could text this picture to me.

Daddy dressed her one Saturday morning before we left for church set-up.

It's been veerrrrry cold here in Texas, so here is Harper before school one morning all bundled up.

Harper now says "WOW!" when she comes upon a toy or something she thinks is incredible. It's so funny every time she says it.

This morning I asked Harper "would you like milk or water?" Her reply? "uummmm...". Such a crackup! She never actually told me which she preferred, by the way.

She's gotten very good at saying "excuse me" when she burps or toots, though coming from her it sounds more like "mew mee". She says it most times without reminding. This morning she was at Daddy's job for his Christmas party and went with him into a quick meeting. She behaved very well, and sat quietly on his lap sucking her thumb. Well, she was sitting quietly until she let out a very loud and long toot. She lifted her head up, looked at Daddy and said "mew mee", then put her head back down. Of course everyone in the meeting was cracking up, but she doesn't know how those types of noises make people laugh yet. Oh, our sweet girl.

She's trying to say more and more words now. "Water" is one of her faves, though I think it's a word only a mother would understand.

She is OBSESSED with talking about the dogs. About a month ago, we lost Sarge for a few hours in the neighborhood. Jon and I drove separate cars around the neighborhood calling out his name. Harper was silent the entire hour she and I were out, but as soon as we pulled into the garage so I could make some signs to post, she starts yelling "Saahhhj!" And yes, Daddy eventually found Sarge, thank goodness!! Ever since that night, she loves saying his name, talking about him, calling him, pointing to his bowl. She usually talks about "Sahj" first, then "Lawlee" (Wylee). It's so cute.


Stephanie said...

so cute. Dylan is doing all the same things, minus the excuse me when he burps or toots..boys will be boys. He says 'wow" when we plug in the tree and says water and calls for Burbo and Boapie. The funniest is when he puts his hands to his cheeks (lays them flat) so that he can yell louder, like a megaphone

Unknown said...

The last photo.. "bundled up"... oh my does that look 110% like Jon.. Wow! Strong genes. :)

Erin said...

She is just too cute, Holly!

J said...

Love her in the Stars sweater!

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