
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Harper's 1-year appointment

I forgot to post about Harper's 1-year appointment.

She did a great job and was flirting and laughing with her doctor. Here's how she stacks up:

20lbs 14 oz - 50%
30 inches - 75%
Her doctor was, as always, very happy with how she's doing. She was glad to hear that Harper is now switched over to cow's milk 100% and that she's done very well on it. Also happy to know that Harper feeds herself very successfully 99% of the time with finger foods. Really, she was pleased with how everything is going for Harper....
.....with the exception of her bottles.
Up until that point, we still had Harper on bottles 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and nap. She'd done fine on sippy cups at mealtimes, but I just couldn't wrap my brain around having Harper sit and drink from a sippy when she would normally take a bottle. Harper likes to chew on and play with her cups and usually bottles are all business. The Doc said we really should try to get her switched over now because as she got older it would just become a worse habit and harder to break. She also said that she doesn't need as many ounces of milk as she once did, so she can get her dairy more from other sources like yogurt and cheese. Well, fine... I said I would and that we'd see how it went.
Turns out I didn't have anything to worry about. Harper is doing fine!! The only bottle she's not ready to give up is her very first bottle in the morning. Grandma and I are both disappointed that she's traded in her other bottles so effortlessly - we both ate that cuddle time up. She now enjoys baby yogurt (and the sugar!) and Cheerios and a sippy of milk for snack, and she slurps on her sippy cup at bed time while cuddling and reading a story. As always, she never ceases to amaze us with what she's capable of.
Such a big girl!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

that's so good. I need to give up too, but I don't feel like Dylan drinks from the sippy very well. Water he guzzles, but anything else, he's not keen on.

Did you move her car seat forward? Is she liking it?