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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bebe Au Lait

I finally ordered my nursing cover!! I was tipped off about these nursing covers made by Bebe au Lait by my friend Vicki a while back, but I figured I'd just always bring a bottle with us so I didn't have to nurse in public. Without going into too much detail, I'm not a very coordinated person, so I didn't see how it would be possible to nurse discreetly in public. There. I said it.

But, with my mom coming into town and our trip in 2 months, I figured it was a good time to start practicing since we'll be out and about a lot. Plus I saw a woman using one at church (on one of the couches in between services, not actually in church) and she looked great, just chatting with a friend, completely covered up.

After much debate and help from Jon and Tara (aka Aunt Arctica), I finally decided on this one. They have TONS of super cute fabrics to choose from, so it was a tough choice. The deciding factor is that the model in the picture is at the beach, and at that moment, that's where I wanted to be. Hey, when you can't make a decision to save your life, you use whatever you got. So that was it. Can't wait for it to get here!


Unknown said...

Holly! I just wrote a blog about that same thing.... I too am not able to figure out how to be 'private' when out in public when I need to nurse. Let me know how the Bebe Au Lait works for you!

Stephanie said...

I bought a cover this week too. I got mine at Target and used it the other day at the mall. I nursed in the dressing room once, then I did it on the bench outside the store later. I still feel like people are staring.

Christine said...

I just got your message. Sooooo good to hear from you. I have one of these little covers. They are so great! I was always super uncoordinated with nursing in public too! I still had a hard time with the cover, but it was definitely easier than a blanket!!!! I added you as one of my little blog friends:)