
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seriously Lagging

So going back to work has oddly sapped TONS of my time - go figure!!! I've also really lagged behind in taking pictures. I absolutely cannot fall behind in this department because I know she's going to grow so quickly!

Getting back to work has gone more smoothly than I thought it would. It's taken some adjusting for all of us. For me, getting out the door is a much different process than it used to be. But I've actually been getting to work earlier than I ever did before! For Jon, he's trying to get used to being Stay at Home Dad 3 days a week. He's doing a great job - and realizing it's more work than he initially thought! Jane and Don enjoyed their first week of watching Harper for their two days. She definitely broke them in well!

Next post will be more fun and will include PICTURES! Promise, promise.


Tara said...

I'm so glad that going back to work has been a fairly smooth transition. Tell Jon I'm proud of him! Being a SAHD isn't easy. :)

Diana Parker said...

Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you guys and praying for you. :)

Miss ya,