Let me reiterate that I truly love being pregnant most of the time. I think it's truly a miracle, and I am really appreciating this as my last time. That being said, I view this blog as a great scrapbook to look back on and remember many details. And so many things I had forgotten from the first time around, so it's fun to keep a memento of everything - the good, the bad, AND the ugly.
I guess it was wishful thinking that I might escape this pregnancy without swelling up like I did with Harper. Up until 29 weeks, I was swell-free. Then, I woke up one morning and *poof* - swollen. I kept wearing all my jewelry like usual, periodically taking my rings off during the day just to make sure I still could. It's quite weird to notice even your bracelet fitting differently. Who ever thinks they'll swell in their wrists? I had achy finger and ankle joints and could feel it in my knees as I walked. Then, just the same way, I woke up one day at exactly 34 weeks and could barely get my wedding rings off, which is the only jewelry I leave on 24/7.
Greasy Hair
This is a lovely first trimester aspect that I forgot to mention in my first list. As with everything else, it doesn't seem to happen with every woman. When not pregnant, I'm an every other day hair washer. However, it becomes very clear very quickly that I cannot do my usual time-saving routine when pregnant. I get extremely bad build up on the top section of my hair, and it doesn't just go away when you wash it. Clarifying shampoos work somewhat, but I have found that Dawn dishwashing liquid works best. They're not kidding when they say it "cuts grease"! Once I get well into my second trimester, I have found the situation has gotten much better. But so weird!!
Skin Breakouts
This goes hand in hand with the greasy hair. Hormones are all out of whack, causing crazy breakouts at all different times. There is an upside to this, however. In both instances, by the third trimester things have sort of evened out and my skin stays virtually blemish-free.
Getting Huge
This may seem obvious, but it's still nothing you can ever prepare for or get used to. Negotiating around counters, bathing my daughter, not being able to see past my belly as I walk. We have a smaller than average door in our bathroom's linen closet and each morning I notice that the space gets smaller for me to turn sideways through as I get my hair products. Possibly the most shocking thing is that I'm beginning to get too big for even some of my maternity shirts. A few of them used to provide plenty of room, yet as the baby has grown, they've gotten shorter, and no longer reach as long as they should.
Stuffy Nose
I definitely forgot this third trimester cursing. And it's possibly the most annoying because it NEVER goes away. Certain times of day are worse than others, but it seems no amount of saline nose spray clears it up for long. It's always the worst at night, especially laying down to sleep. I can't ever get it cleared up enough for me to breathe normally, and I usually wake realizing I've been sleeping with my mouth open because I'm totally stuffed. What a joy!
I loved the comments last time of those who could relate to some of my ugly reasons. What about this list? Is there anything here that you can relate to?