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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lapping Up

In my defense, I am not sure she was actually drinking the water. At least I didn't think she was until the very end. We have no explanation for what she was doing, except that maybe she was copying what she sees the dogs do at their water bowl. The other day she was playing in the kitchen when Sarge walked in to get a drink and she thought it was the funniest thing ever as she got a big case of the giggles.

Needless to say, we're now discouraging this behavior. But I'm still posting it. ;)


Unknown said...

She's obviously thristy mom! ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh... if it makes you feel any better... my own mother taught... and yes... encouraged Tristan... to drink from the water hose...1-2-3... all together now... *gasp!*

The Hanes Fam said...

Oh, we did that too growing up! We were constantly playing outside with the hose, so it was just easier than going inside and getting a glass. ;)