
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

School Christmas Party

Last Friday I went to Harper's Christmas party at school. I always enjoy going to these events, and I know Harper absolutely loves when we can come. She gets so excited and this time she kept looking at me going "Mommy!" and hugging me. It was so sweet and melted my heart.

All the kids bring a food to share with the class and a wrapped gender-neutral book for the book exchange. I love seeing how the kids handle snack time, and to watch the dynamics of the classroom. The girls sit at one table and the boys at another. The girls gab and chat while the boys mostly play with their food and goof around.

After meal time, the kids got to go pick out their goody bags provided by two of the parents. One of the parents actually filled a stocking with healthy snacks like fruit leather. I loved it!

After they got their stockings, they did their book exchange. It wasn't very well-organized however, and the kids just started grabbing books. That would've been fine, except most of them knew which book had been wrapped by their mommy or daddy, so they naturally grabbed that one, even if they didn't know which book was inside. Harper and her friend Sophie had each picked out their own, but thankfully Sophie's Mommy was nearby, and simply switched the books before they could open them. Sophie got a Backyardigans book and Harper got a Bunny Picnic book. Both of them loved it, and I snapped a picture of them giving each other a hug as thanks. So cute!

I wish I was a stay at home Mommy so much, but I'm very thankful I have a relatively flexible job that allows me to be at events like this. I know Harper really loves her school and her teachers, so it brings a lot of relief to know she's having a great time and learning so much while I'm at work.

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