
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Butterfly Flutterby

A couple Saturdays ago we went to the Butterfly Flutterby held by the City of Grapevine. It celebrates the migration of the monarch butterflies as they make their way to Mexico for the winter. We put Harper in her butterfly shirt and shoes, and put her wings from last year's Halloween on for good measure. She was too cute!

The main highlight of the event is the live butterfly release, where they hand each person participating an envelope containing a live monarch butterfly. As they countdown from 10 to 1, everyone lets their butterfly go, and watch them all fly off. It was a pretty cool sight! We got there a little too late to participate in the first one, and we left before the second one, but we loved watching it anyway!

I had really hoped to have some adorable pictures of Harper's face painted like a beautiful butterfly. But alas, after we waited in line for close to an hour, she sat down and her little two year old self decided she didn't want her face painted. oy. Such is life as the parent of a moody two year old!


Oliver and Nicole said...

Love the butterfly wings! Harper is so pretty. You asked where I got Lydia's nap map - I researched FOREVER trying to find a super comfy one that didn't cost $80, and finally...I found it! The brand is Wildkin, and I bought it on Amazon.com. Wildkin mats were also sold on Wal-Mart.com (online only) but at that time they didn't have a pattern I liked. Amazon had more choices. It was around $40 which still felt high, but the quality is great so it was worth it.

The Hanes Fam said...

Great, thanks so much for the info!! I love Lydia's, it's too cute.