We've been battling some crud here at the end of summer. Harper caught a really nasty virus that initially presented itself as Strep Throat. She seemed fine when I picked her up on a regular Thursday after school. But 30 minutes after we got home, she was flat on the couch saying she didn't feel well. I took her temp and it was 103! She had an upset tummy that night and the next morning, and the last time she spiked a fever like that and threw up, it was Strep. I called the doctor first thing and got her in right away. The initial in-office test was negative, but we decided to treat her for it anyway assuming it was too early to show up. It was Friday and we didn't want her to have to go the whole weekend without trying something. Last time she started antibiotics for strep, she was back to feeling great about 18 hours later. I knew it was bad when she woke up Saturday morning and wasn't better.
She felt terrible most of the weekend, being very content to stay in her room and watch Caillou on Netflix on endless repeat. She was very proud to say she thought she had watched every single episode at least twice. The only relief she got was when the time came back around to give her another dose of Motrin. We took her back on Monday morning and she had clearly gotten worse. She diagnosed her with a sinus infection, eye infection and double ear infections. Oy! We had to cancel her dentist appointment and Jon and I did a lot of juggling of work days. We had a slew of medications to give her each day including eye and ear drops. It took her until Wednesday for her eye to clear up and for her to go the entire day without a fever. She returned to school on Thursday - one full week later!
We took her back for an ear check yesterday and she still has tons of fluid behind her right ear. We knew she hadn't been hearing us very well, so yet another antibiotic was prescribed to hopefully clear it up completely. We have another follow up in 2 more weeks. We are praying everything is all cleared up!
We managed to keep Jasper healthy. At least healthy enough to not catch what Harper had. He is now battling a runny nose and cough... what's new???
I managed to develop bronchitis. I can't remember ever having an upper respiratory infection before so I was in complete denial. I had been feeling pretty run down and had a cough. Finally when the tightening in my chest was getting worse and I had virtually no voice, I decided it was time to go get checked out. The antibiotics are finally working and I'm feeling much better.
Hopefully we are all on the mend now!!!
Our sweet girl after her second Dr. appointment.
Showing off her newly painted nails. Her friend stopped by and brought a get well kit including some new pink nail polish!
Here she is feeling a little bit better and being silly. Her right eye was super red and gooey and her nose became so raw from blowing it so much.
Here she is enjoying her latest round of antibiotics. It tastes terrible and per doctor's orders we needed to mix it with something sweet and tasty like frosting. Frosting!! That's exactly what she said. Frosting has proven to be a little too sweet so tonight we tried chocolate milk and that seemed to go down a little easier. What a lucky girl!!
Getting her ear drops from Daddy.