Okay, so technically I'll be 27 weeks
tomorrow, but close enough.
Today we had our most recent doctor's appointment and everything went great! Blood pressure was fantastic: 110/60. Doctor White even gave me a high five! I gained 2.5 more pounds, which brings the grand total to 9.5 lbs. I'm humbled by one thing. I measured 30 centimeters, which means 4 more centimeters since last time - one per week, which is right on track from the last time, although I'm still measuring a little (3 centimeters) more than average. I had the glucose test today and we'll only hear back on that if something is abnormal. And I don't care what anyone says, that drink is nasty and does
not taste just like orange soda. blech.
And BONUS!!! Because Dr. White wanted to rearrange my next appointments a bit and push my next ultrasound back to week 34 to get some accurate measurements, he appeased my irrational fears by doing a double (triple) look sex check!!! It was very quick, but yes, she's still a girl.
Reality check today: we booked the rest of our appointments today, all the way through my due date of May 8th. Little girl is going to be here before we know it!
Next appointment: February 28th.